Robotic Eye
“Robotic eye” is such a device that will follow an object according to its motion. Our robotic eye can follow a moving object and this is done on color basis. That means when we say it to follow a ‘red’ object it does so and same for ‘blue’ and ‘green’. These colors are obviously the fundamental colors around us. The basic is quite easy. A webcam is attached to the pc/laptop and snaps are taken at regular interval (very small though!!). 2 of the snaps are compared and processed via ‘Matlab’ to find out whether any motion of object detected. If any motion was there, then necessary information is conveyed to the motor to follow the object. The basement of the webcam is attached to the motor. So basically the webcam is working like an eye and following the moving object.
Robotic Arm
The objective of this project is to make a model of a robotic hand, which can move objects from one place to another.
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